Are you looking forward to getting a job at a school? Is teaching more than a profession for you? Is it your calling, candidate? Do you love getting and sharing life experience with students? If at least one of the answers is "yes", you need a good teacher CV. Irrespectively of whether you decide to get down to resume writing or ordering it, to get a position, you’ll also need a comprehensive teacher cover letter.
According to stats, each year every school gets at least 10 teacher resumes. A cover text with thoroughly described skills and background can lift the scales in your favor. After examining tons of CVs and various examples of cover letters it is possible to construct a formula of a perfect cover letter for teachers that can win the hearts of employers. Look through these tips and increase your chances of turning a classroom into your new workplace. And don't forget to check out an up to date teacher cover letter sample at the end here!
This article describes how to compose a cover letter for teachers. Learn what you have to do before writing one and what information should be placed there. Read about the skills to mention if you want to apply for a teaching position at a school. Get a teaching job and amaze your students with your experience.
Prewriting Stage
Before sitting down and having your cover letter done, you have to perform several important actions that will make it easier. This is your brief ‘to do’ list:
- Be ready to spend some time. Cover letters are not papers to be written within an hour. Try to find enough time to gather information and to write a cover text for each school you are trying to get into. Start your cover document at least two days before the estimated date of application.
- Decide what gets into the CV and what can be mentioned in a cover letter. These documents are connected with each other. They are not the same. A CV is a brief history of your job experience and skills, and a cover letter is a document describing your willingness to get a particular position. Try not duplicate much of the information in the both texts. By the way, these documents can be ordered here, if you do not have much time for writing or just are not sure about your skills.
- Gather your references. Having people to prove your achievements and describe you as a good professional is essential for success. References must be relevant to your desired job offer. Try to gather people related to teaching somehow around you. Any high school, elementary teacher and even preschool teacher will be "handy". If you have just graduated, ask some professors from college or university to help you out.
- A lot of successful examples of cover letters can look similar. But - they are unique. If you "do not want to get a job", there is nothing easier - just send one and the same cover letter to all the offers you are applying for. The reason for that is simple: there are no two absolutely similar schools - each one has own requirements and traditions. Your teacher resume and cover text can be shared somehow or get into one base.
Teacher Cover Letter Writing Tips
Here are some useful tips and a guide that will help out with proper writing:
- Note that a high or elementary school, college, language courses, and other educational facilities differ much. Keep in mind their main distinctive features. An applicant must have appropriate and relevant experience. Remember, working in an elementary school for teachers can be way more strict than working in a university.
- Do not hesitate to learn more about a school district and even to make a call and learn a full name of a person who will probably read your application. Do not do it if they mention ‘no phone calls’ in the job offer.
- Writing a teacher cover text, always keep in mind a specific job description. Your text is a response to it, so make it actual. Try to mention the qualifications needed to occupy the particular position.
- It is important to give proofs for your words. Be ready to attach a higher education diploma, introduce certificates or similar documents or describe the real-life experience of working with children/ achieving an education goal. Never lie in the cover letter or a teacher resume.
- To show that you are enthusiastic about working at a particular establishment, learn everything about its achievements. In the text, you can describe how you were amazed by ‘The best elementary school of the state’.
- Sometimes your final points will be increased if you show that you are not only a good teacher. Describe what work you have done outside the classroom, that was not on the lesson plans. Have you arranged contests or scientific fairs? It is a cool part to show your organizational skills.
- Do not hesitate to use lists. They make reading easier and a little bit more interactive. Search for more tricks of easy reading and don’t stand against the utility of the text.
- If you do not feel you can do it, do not hesitate to use the Internet (Facebook, twitter, Linkedin etc.). There you can find templates and cover letter examples for teachers or even buy a perfect text written by professional writers.
Cover Letter Structure
The most popular cover letter sample for teachers you can find on the Internet tells that it should be a very brief cover document. Even one page of text can be excessive. Let’s learn the purposes of each paragraph separately:
- The First Paragraph. The main goal of this part is catching the reader’s attention. A don, administrator or HR manager may get tons of similar letters per day, so it is important. Mention the information about an educational establishment which interests you. Explain why you are writing this letter. Do not forget to tell where you have met a particular job offer. Briefly describe why you can be the best candidate (no more than 3 qualifications/skills).
- The Second Paragraph. This part is about proving you are the best person they can find for hiring. Describe the contribution you can make to the school. Mention some successful times of your career, provide a reader with examples of applying the skills you have just mentioned. This is the biggest part of your letter.
- Final Paragraph. This part should wrap up your letter and provide a reader with a sort of conclusion. Remind him/her about your interest in the position. Do not forget to appreciate your reader’s attention. Write down your contact information and show the willingness to continue the dialog during the interview.
At the end of the text leave a signature and the current date. If the letter is submitted electronically, include an electronic signature.
Always keep it tidy. Apply all standard writing regulations:
- Try to make short sentences.
- It is better to divide huge paragraphs.
- Use only classic fonts and styling. Do not conduct experiments.
- Leave some free spaces between cover letter parts.

Cover Letter Template
Here are a brief plan and a template of a cover letter. You can use it to make your own cover letter samples for teachers.
If you know exactly who you are sending your cover letter to, it is advisable to underline his/her full name and position in headlines. Start your letter with proper greetings:
- Dear Sir/Madam.
- Dear Mr. or Ms. (Last Name).
- Dear Sirs/Messrs.
- Dear Administrator.
Then mention the position you are applying for. Tell how you know about it. If you want, add some words honoring the school (success, leadership, innovations, stability, etc.).
- Your school is interesting because…
- Your school is known to be a leader in…
- Recently I have seen a job offer to get a position…
Tell why you paid attention to this school and why you are willing to become a part of a team. You can make an accent on your professional achievements, experience or skills.
- I can describe myself as…
- I have … years of experience in teaching … school/college/university student.
- I am good at…
In the next paragraph do not forget to mention your appreciation concerning the reader’s time and attention he or she shows to your appeal.
- Thank You for sparing time to read my letter.
- Thank You for your attention to my personality.
- I will be grateful if you are able to call me back.
- I can attend an interview at any comfortable time.
- If you have questions, please contact me.
Do not forget to mention your attached CV:
- I attach my CV to this letter.
- You can find more detailed information about me in the attached files.
It is better to finish a letter with such words:
- Sincerely Yours,
Full Name, Phone, Address.
- Best Regards,
Full Name, Phone, Address.
Teacher Cover Letter Sample
John Doe
926 West Berry Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
July 13, 2018
Full Name of Addressee
Location, District
Postal Address
Dear Mr./Ms. (Second Name),
I would like to place my application to get a teaching position in your middle school. I got learned about it on your website. Your school is a known leader in biology among all the middle schools of the state. I was amazed by the achievements of your football team. Being a graduate from (college/university), I am experienced in teaching fifth-seventh grade students. Independently from classroom work, I had been organizing scientific contests during three years in a row at my previous school.
I believe that my experience, innovative approach to children and studying will do well in your school. My aim is to promote the scientific success of (school name) to the national level by winning local and national learning contests and tests. I have gained vital experience in such activities and can offer you several plans for development in this sphere.
I appreciate your time and attention. I will gladly meet you at the interview to enrich our dialog. I have attached my CV. In it, you can find information about my work experience and achievements. I am eager to hear from you soon.
Sincerely Yours,
John Doe
Date Signature
Cover Letter Sample for Elementary Teacher
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577
April 20, 2019
Ms. Sarah Jones
Director of Human Resources
Summerville School District
Summerville, NY 11111
Dear Ms. Jones:
I am interested in applying for the elementary teaching position posted on the OLAS website.
In addition to completing an undergraduate degree this year, I served as a tutor in an after-school program at a local homeless shelter, where I helped students complete homework assignments and broaden their understanding by connecting to the world outside their community. As a student teacher, I created lessons that engaged all learners by applying a variety of teaching methods and utilizing SMARTboard technology. I formed cooperative learning groups, organized individualized projects, created learning centers and implemented learning style research in every lesson. Alternative assessment methods, such as portfolios, rubrics and performance assessments, in combination with traditional tests, enabled me to evaluate the students individually and comprehensively. In both my student teaching and tutoring experiences, I met with parents to keep them apprised of their child’s accomplishments and areas needing extra attention.
Classroom computers present unique opportunities to help each child achieve success. In a staff development workshop I attended called Problem-Based Learning, I learned to pose open-ended questions that children could research over the internet. In addition, I have studied and continue to monitor educational software and websites that address the diverse abilities and interests of children.
I am passionate about teaching children and forge relationships with them that help build a sense of confidence and enable them to grow as learners. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my skills and experience can meet the needs of your students. Thank you for your consideration.
Stephanie Robinson